Free PowerPoint resources

Taken from QuickLOL.Com
It is estimated that there are 1 Billion PowerPoint installations since its inception in 1990 with 11 versions, the latest being office 2013.
A good PowerPoint is the starting point of a good presentation.
It needs a good template to start with.
There are innumerable sites offering the tools and templates.
Here below are the sites to check out
   Free Powerpoint Templates
   Slide Hunter

Though the templates are free to download, you may have to share the site on social media.
It's worth giving that free advertisement for some really good templates..
Well, we all know, There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Garnish your presentations with visual splendors

Excel and PowerPoint are The God's gifts to mankind.
However, PowerPoint  often gets transformed in to a toxic weapon for mass production of transient zombies out of energetic corporate citizens. The paradox is , the chief ‘Execution’ officer aka the presenter is unaware of the weapon’s destructive persona and its outcomes despite his/her noble intentions.

Well, there are ways to make your ‘Power’ Points minimally lethal and positively effective.
We all know that 'content is the king' .Apart from that, a wise use of pictures and clip art can enhance the value of the content.
That’s where ShapeChef from Wolsoft comes handy.
Shape chef is a PowerPoint add-in for  2007,2010 and 2013 versions.

This chef is an expert in garnishing your presentations and can spice up your content with Pics and can make visual splendors out of PowerPoints suffering from Acute Textitis. (Inflammation due to profusion of text)


Wolsoft introduces an awesome add-in , ShapeChef that can be handy in collecting, organizing, sharing and choosing the right clip art for your message.
With ShapeChef at your disposal,

  • You can download hundreds of clip arts, shapes, editable maps, stick figures with emotions, icons, symbols and many other and use them in your presentations.( well, more and more are in store for you with newer versions of  Shapechef)
  • All the clipart available with ShapeChef are sketched ones. These hand sketched clip-art can add a dash of beauty of their own.
  • You can organize clip-arts in to categories and sub categories for easy access.
  • You can create your own clip-art using the shapes and store and share them.
  • The best part is the Maps !  and, these are editable !
  • You can also share your collections-online in the cloud. So, you have anytime any where access to your clips.
  • You can invite others and others can invite you too… that means, you have access to many more creations from others too J
  • Using ShapeChef is easy.
  • Download the trial version. Here.
  • I recommend that you download the trial version, check its awesomeness,get satisfied and then buy it. I usually do not recommend any software to be bought . But, ShapeChef is one exception :-)
When installed, it gets loaded in to PowerPoint as an Add-in and shows up as a menu in your PowerPoint menu ribbon.
  • You need to download the Cliparts once and they reside on your computer.
  • Drag and drop them on to your slide.
  • Increase / decrease their size as per your need
  • Cook visual spenders with your PowerPoints using ShapeChef.
Shape chef introduction

Here is my quick Gyan as a demo of Shape Chef... I created it in flat 10 mins....

Wi Fi

Glad to share that this presentation featured on Slideshare Home Page :-)

How to Transfer / share very BIG files over net ?

Big files ? WeTransfer

Need to transfer a file of size over 1GB ?
Here is a free tool. Wetransfer.
You can transfer files upto a Max of 2 GB size!!! Absolutely free.
The procedure is very simple.
as simple as....
Add .Transfer.Confirm.
Watch the demo video....