Wangiri Calls : One Ring and Cut Calls

India knows the "value" of nothingness.
Ancient India invented Zero. 
Modern India Invented missed Call.
The whole world embraced both the inventions with high intensity.
This post is about the making 'misuse' of the invention called 'missed call' by some unscrupulous people.
I recently received a couple of missed calls from overseas. I tried returning the call but heard a recorded voice say that this is an international call and is chargeable. Little unusual. 
So, I Goggled the number to find innumerable posts confirming that it is a fake call.
Yesterday another call with +44 identifiable as England. But the number is unknown.I returned the call but this time no recorded voice. So I had the chance of hearing some husky Ohs.. and acoustic Ahs.. (once again, recorded I believe!)
It took me about 7 sec. to understand that it’s a chargeable porn call. So I dropped the call. I am sure I must have been charged for those 7-8 Secs. at a premium rate. It makes sense to presume that these numbers are premium rate International calls.
So, the moral of the story is ….
India invented missed call! Others have created a business case around it.
What an Idea Sirji!
Indian missed call is Communication. Overseas missed call means Commercialization.
Action : Ignore missed calls from unknown numbers ( Called Wangiri Calls: literally,' One (ring) and cut')
PS: My Google Gyan: