Showing posts with label Outlook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outlook. Show all posts

Outlook 2010 - Edit "Subject" of a Message

Most often,you find the e mail messages from Outlook  go to and fro between people without any change in the "Subject" that gives you an idea or hint about the content of the message. 
      As the conversation grows,more and more mails accumulate either with "FW:" or "RE:" without change of "Subject".You may now find it difficult to trace the appropriate mail.
A simple solution to this is : Editing the subject to a meaningful and recognizable header to trace it easily for future reference.
To edit the "Subject" , follow these 4 Simple Steps..
 Step 1: Open the message.
 Step 2: Click Action >>  Edit Message (as shown in the picture)
 Step 3: Go to Subject>> Edit it and close the message.

 Step 4: When it prompts you to Save changes,Click Yes.

Extracting bounced back email IDs from Outlook : Addressing the pain point in e-mail marketing

Email  marketing is abuzz! 
With great efforts you collect e mail Ids. With greater enthusiasm you send e-mails.
Click Send.
Give the system a sec…A series of bounced mail ids land in to your Inbox…. 
The reason , Wrong Mail Ids…..
Now the job is to compile all wrong mail Ids from all those bounce back mails or Wrong mail Ids. It’s dreadfully painful (Is this expression correct ?)to go to each return mail and collect the Id.
Recently I faced similar challenge! 
I Googled and bumped in to looooong Macros. 
Some suggested Import export…I tried and failed with all those solutions and may be because of ability to understand and execute the solution... and then….
Falsh $#@%^&* Flash…….!
New Idea !   Indian Jugad ! Quick and Dirty !
The Idea is as simple as ... Select , Copy and Paste.
Ctrl + A , Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
Here below is the explanation….
Open the  Outlook  .
Keep all mail Delivery failures in a Folder. Now do the following as shown in...
Picture 1 : On the fields bar , Select Field Chooser
Picture 2 : Menu Opens up like this. Drag to  the fields bar
Picture 3 : Now you have  “to” Mail Id and Other fields
Now It's just  Ctrl + A , Ctrl + C .
Open Excel and Ctrl + V.

Bingo… Now you have an excel with a column full of wrong mail Ids....
It was an eureka moment when I found the simplest solutionI was remembering the story...Americans had spent millions of dollars to invent a pen that writes in space where as Russians wrote with pencil !
Jugaad Zindabad

Meeting requests in Outlook across Time-zones

Those who send meeting requests for Webcast across the world  often encounter with the problem of Time zones . 

It's difficult to understand whether the timing is appropriate or not  for all participants to join. The timing that is convenient to you may be out of office hours for the participants. So you need a tool that should tell you what will be the time in their country against the proposed meeting time by you.
At this juncture, It is prudent to understand how outlook handles time zones.

Outlook has built-in Time zone manager. The simple explanation on how it works  is...

When the requester mentions time  for an appointment,It shows Time according to the time set    for the requester's time. and in the background It converts it in to GMT.

When it sends the appointment to attendee, it converts the time from GMT to the local time based on the time setting of the attendee's computer!
In the process, it also considers daylight saving time adjustments also while transferring and showing the appointment on the attendee's calendar!

If you are looking for more details,read the article by Microsoft  :

How Outlook handles time zones for meeting requests

Now that we have understood the basics of Outlook appoint management, lets get back to our problem...

Understanding appropriateness of time across time zones while scheduling meetings and sending an invite on Outlook.

Here is a simple and wonderful Outlook add-in that was an outcome of 'bad'experiences of the author Shai Raiten.

Here is the link to his post and the download link for Add-in

Appointment World Times – Outlook 2010 Add in

The add in is very easy to install and simple to use...
As you input the Timing according to your Calender, It shows the time in various countries(to be selected from list to avoid the clutter of all countries) 

The add in is brilliant piece of work by Shai Ratien, a Microsoft Most valuable Professional.
I recommend it to all those who work with people across timezones.